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  • Writer's picture Wild Roots Camp

Sombari Baba Ashram Padampuri

Padampuri ashram

Just 05 Minutes Drive or 20 minutes Natures Walk From-@wildrootscamp Padampuri Nainital

Sombari baba’s two ashrams in Padampuri and Kakrighat. This area of India has hosted many great saints like Neem Karoli baba, Hairakhan baba, and of which Sombari baba is considered one of the most developed spiritually.

it is beautifully situated in a valley between the mountains a bit from the city of Nainital.

Sombari baba never allowed anyone to come in without first washing their feet, hands and face in the river.

feel that Sombari’s presence was still strong here and it was a strange feeling to sit at his dhuni that was still there, the

sacred fire that he kept burning the most of the time.

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